Health Reflection

This unit in health has taught me many things about online behaviours. At the start of this unit I was using Instagram, SnapChat and Youtube. In this health unit I learnt much more about empathy and respect and how that is so important when online. Respect is so important in many ways online, standing up for yourself and others is a part of respect and empathy. It shows respect by being kind but still informing people about what is wrong or right. It shows empathy because it is putting yourself in others shoes and thinking “How would I feel if that was me?” Then standing up for that person. I learnt that standing up for yourself is a very important part of being online. Sometimes it is okay not to comment on people’s post’s but if someone is mean, I wouldn’t know what to say and I would just not say anything. Now, after this health unit, I have learnt that if someone is being mean, just kill them with kindness. You don’t have to be mean, just try to shut them down so they can’t continue their bad behaviour. I will change my behaviour by standing up for myself and others, even though I haven’t seenĀ  many mean comments, I am sure that I will see them in the future and that is what I have to be aware of. This was a very good health unit and it has taught me how to be safe online.

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