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Online Behaviors Reflection

In this unit about online behaviours I learned so many new things however the one that I found the most interesting had to be respect, we live in a day and age where we all feel like our opinions need to be shared online and that’s ok, however, most people don’t know how to do it respectfully. Calling people names and disrespecting is just NOT ok, everyone has feelings. If you feel like you just need to get your opinion out there, there is a respectful way to do it, saying something like “I respectfully disagree with you”. In the booklet, it has an example of a facebook post and some comment in which some are nice and some are really mean and sad. These people would never say those things to their face they just think have protection and that their words won’t hurt because they are behind a screen however that’s not the case.

Another thing that I felt was very important is not believing everything you see on the internet, today this skill is very important as fake news and fake pictures are everywhere and you must learn not to believe them all. As we talked about in class many teens each year can fall for very dangerous trends that have been photoshopped or faked. The video we watched in class was a great example of people believing fake stories on social media, what if they did jump then they would have been badly hurt or even dead. Fake news, story’s or pictures can cause people to do things that they know are dangerous because they think that just because someone else has put a video of them ”doing it”  that it’s no longer dangerous because someone else has done it however this isn’t the case.

Something else that we talked about in the booklet is empathy as I mentioned in padlet, empathy is the ability to be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and put yourself in their position and try to understand them and they way they might be feeling. Some ways that you can show empathy to others is saying things like I’m here for you or doing little things for them like doing their homework or giving them some food, doing this it can help the person feel like they are not alone, and that people care for them. Somethings that you shouldn’t do is compare, e.g. if someone explains that their mum has cancer you shouldn’t say that you mum and aunty had it, you should just say I understand it’s really hard and show your support.