About Me

Hi, I’m Jarrad!

My Strengths and Capabilities: Gratitude, Love, and Teamwork.

Gratitude is taking the time to be thankful and show appreciation for what we have been given. I have shown this by always thanking and appreciating everything my parents, family and friends do for me. Love, on the other hand, means that you show deep affection for someone and it can also mean that you have lots of interests in something. I perform this strength everyday through my family and just doing what I’m passionate about. Teamwork means to work together in an effective way to achieve a common goal. Whenever it comes to group work I make sure that we equally split up the work to make the most of little time.

I have a variety of skills including Math, Science, Gaming and much more. These skills are very similar to my interests and I have become very passionate about these subjects. I use these skills in my everyday life, for example, I use Math at school. These skills have shaped me into what I am today.

Everything I do to the best of my ability to make sure it is up to high standard.



• Spending time with family and friends.
• Playing music because it keeps me calm.
• Video games and subjects like math and science.
• I enjoy sports like Basketball
and Hockey.

A couple of my Achievements:

I earned scholarship to All saints’ College.

I received a role in the leadership team in Junior School.

I won my grand final in Hockey.

These achievements have taught me that as long as you try your hardest you can achieve anything. These experiences have also taught me that being a leader doesn’t need much and that you just need to be willing to show your capabilities.

Me playing field hockey

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