Project Utopia

us presenting at the Project Utopia showcase

During this project I learnt that Utopia’s are a perfect world. Utopias are places where the environment is of a high standard and is cared for. In Utopias people have an extremely high standard of living and good facilities.

Livability is the rating of how livable a place is to live in. It is judged on the facilities including access to health and education it is also based on crime rates in the area and access to work and Green spaces. Learning about livability helped us to know how to make a Utopia a perfect place to live.

I learned, I have good design skills, our design is based mainly on my original drawings. I have improved my research and organisation skills by recording my research notes on a Microsoft whiteboard. My collaboration and communication skills have also improved as I have organised and run after school meetings using skype to discuss our constitution and presentation.

I believe our presentation was successful because it was organised and we had visual aids to help our explanations. Our constitution clearly laid out the ways laws could be made in our community it also explained the way the constitution could be changed. The design of the power supply was based on information from multiple trusted sources and met two global goals, 11 sustainable cities and communities and 13 climate action. I also designed it using the design thinking process and I would use this meford as it is a helpful resource.

 If I could do this project again I would be more organised with the model by making sure we all agreed about how to build it before we started, because during this project my group and I had difficulty deciding how to create model. I would also be more practave when achieving accreditations as at the end of the project we only had two I feel should have approached and spoken to more teachers to gain accreditations. At the end of this project I feel proud that we have achieved our goal of creating a Utopia with a good design concept which can be used in the future.

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