I started this project by reading The Giver which taught us about creating a perfect society and gave me and my group ideas on creating our utopia.
We spent time researching different aspects to be in our utopia. For example, using electric cars, including more green spaces, better education such as less school hour, no home work to give the students a bigger break between each school day and research on different activities to help make our community stronger.
We also looked in to all the liveability factors for example climate, safety and stability, peoples’ likes and dislikes.
In Week Two term one we started drawing our utopian in this we included the liveability factors we chose.
We were put into a group of three to create our utopia. We called it paradise city. After group discussion, we start to use cospaces to create our utopia we all had a part to do, mine was to design and build house and green spaces. This took a few weeks to create as it was a very detailed design. During all this building we made a constitution for our utopia to show how it is run. After everything was complete, we had to spend some time creating a presentation to show our knowledge about our utopia to our parents, friends and guests. Me and my group mate all had a part to speak about my part was about the recreation areas around our utopia. This was done during the show case evening.
I feel my strengths during this project were designing during CoSpaces because, I enjoyed the challenge of designing. I had to learn how to use CoSpaces and use the designing tools. I also think I was a good listener to my teammates and a good collaborator. If we were to do this project again, I feel I would make more decisions and be more involved with the ideas. By doing this project I learnt more about sustainable ways to live also I learnt how to work better in a team.