Christmas market 2022

In 2022 our Year 7 cohort was given the task to produce a product and sell at the Christmas market. We faced lots of challenges and jumped lots of hurdles to make this possible and create a profit. We were given a 30 dollar investment to collect the materials and start the journey of our Christmas market. But before we started selling and making a profit we had to go through so many more stages. For example we had to plan our ideas and think of our plan of attack. So now that you Have a bit of info lets get started.

The planning

Planning is a really crucial part of any project. Without planning you will have no Idea what you are going into. At the start of this stage we had to do a brain storm. This is where we thought of lots of ideas of produce that we could sell at the market. The more ideas that we could think of the better because we will have more flexibility if our idea gets denied. For example if our first main idea gets denied than we will have other ideas that we could fall back on. But if we didn’t have any other ideas that we will have to brainstorm again and restart the process. During the planning stage we also had to pitch our idea. During the pitch we had to explain how our idea works and the cost to produce enough product to sell. If approved we start the next process.

How did we make a profit

Making a profit was the main goal of this entire market. Doing this we had to put a lot of critical thinking behind it. For example we had to find the cheapest materials to keep our cost down so we will have a higher mark up percentage therefore making more profit. Another crucial part in this stage is how we will price our product. A strategy we used when determining our price was physiological pricing. Physiological pricing is when you well set the price at $2.99 instead of $3.00 to attract the attention of savvy buyers because it seems as if it is less then $3.00 although it actually cost that amount. Another technique that we used was cost plus margin. Cost plus margin is essential for a business to make a decent profit. Cost plus margin is where you add a certain amount of money to the price to create the product. That additional price added to that cost is the profit you will make from that sale.

What we gained from this project.

During the market we gained lots of skills and capabilities that we could use in the future. One of these capabilities that we gained was collaboration. This skill was very important in this project. Without collaboration our group would of got no where. Collaboration is important because that is the key for efficiency in work. Without efficiency you will get no where and we would of never of created enough produce and make a profit. Another skill that we learnt and improved through this task was organisation. Organisation is a really important skill as this I what keeps everything stable and at a good pace. We used organisation by organising when to buy products and also being prepared for a pitch to see if our product will even be approved. Without organisation the project will be basically running around like a headless chook.

Project x media

The process we went through

Before the main production, there was some crucial thinking that was behind it. For starters, we had to think of a feasible idea to present through an ad. This took lots of prep as we had to brain storm our first ideas and than pick one that will work thorough the process. After this we had to start thinking of what the characters will be and who they are. After this process we created the story board. With the story board we planned how the ad will fit together and how the camera angels will show power through the shots. After this we recorded the final tapes and edited. But I was absent for the editing.

How did we come up with the idea

We came up with the idea some inspiration from some other ads and put together in our own way. We used the concept of eating the product and then show off what it does at the end.

Obstacles we experienced

In our group we didn’t really experience that many obstacles. The main obstacle that I can remember facing was trying to get all of the recordings done in time. This was a challenge because they could of been rushed and not have as much care of what we would of wanted in our final product to get the best .

What will I do differently

Something that I will do differently was create a original jingle that will be used through out the advert. Another thing That I will do differently is take different camera angels.


This is a example of a collaboration I did with my friend. This shows how my Canva is good for collaborating and working together on a project,

This is an example of a quick solo I did in only five minutes and this shows how simple it is and easy to use to create a last minute poster.

How Humans effect the water cycle and grey water recycling.

But first we have to know what the water cycle is.

The water cycle is a very important thing in life. Without the water cycle life wont be able to be sustained. The water cycle has been going on for such along time that you could probably be drinking dinosaur wee right now or in your next drink. But how does it work? The water cycle first starts by evaporation. Evaporation is when water in the ocean or lake and even your cup out side is taken up by the heat of the sun. The next part of the process will be condensation. Condensation is when the water will turn into clouds and store all the water. After that it will the rain which is called precipitation. When it rains it will then go into run off from mountains or hills that lead to the ocean. It could also turn into infiltration which will be ground water. There are also more ways of evaporation like transpiration which is when water from trees and bushes gets evaporated from their roots. So that is all you really need to know to understand how we can affect the water cycle and grey water cycling.

Grey water recycling.

Grey water recycling is great way to save water and to avoid being wasteful. Grey water recycling works by reducing the amount of water being turned into waste water which just goes to waste and not really used by humans. For example. The water for a toilet doesn’t necessarily need to be clean. So what the grey water recycling will do is that he water from the shower will be used as toilet water or the water will be used to water the plants and grass. This is useful for the water cycle because it is wasting less water that can be used for better things such as drinking.

How humans affect the water cycle.

Humans are affecting the water cycle as you read this. This could be because of chopping down trees and more. But how do cutting down trees affect the water cycle? This is because trees can help with infiltration which is ground water. Trees help with this because their roots will absorb that water. Trees also give transpiration which is water being evaporated from trees and plants. Cutting down trees will prevent this from happening. Another affect is urbanization. Urbanization is where people have civilized or have created buildings. Urban runoff can affect the water cycle because of the amount of dirt an dumped that gets dumped out in to the ocean. Another way of how humans affect the water cycle is by agriculture. This affects the water cycle because of the water needed to provide and produce the food for the farmers to get money. This can waste a lot of money. And those are some ways of how humans can affect th =e water cycle.