At the beginning of the year we looked into what makes a livable city. After a few week of learning what makes a livable city we leapt into a Minecraft server to clamed a piece of land where we would build a on. We had to build are parliament first because that was the most importent then the energy sources and after that the cool stuff.
What makes a livable city.
Livability is generally measured by factors that provide quality of life, such as access to fresh water, food, housing, transport, health care, education and a safe and stable environment. Me and G-man think we have most of these aspects.
What makes the sporty city livable
The sporty city has the best energy system by far. We have the energy travel underground in a sustainable matter, not touching the enviroment. Our ways of converting energy is also sustainable doing hydropower, geothermal , wind turbinids and we also do solar power. It is compulsory to have solar panels on every building. The education in sporty city is very good and everyone can go to a school because it is funded by the government ( Me and G-man). The water source we have right now is very expensive because we don’t have a dam but we are very close to finishing one. The sporty city transport is very good it goes underground and is moved by magnets so no climate change is happening here. Transport is also very affordable weather on bus or train as it is also funded by the government. The cars we have my be electronic to no smoke is released. The planes are built very strong and safe and so far no accidents has happened. The enviroment here is very clean and animals play in the forest we have here. Food is delicious up north having a verity to choose from. We have farms with vegetables and others with animals for food. In the sporty city housing is a lot cheaper than others cities. To have a good prize for the costumers we judge the prize of the house on materials some will be more expensive than others, location because some locations are better that others and finally the dimensions of the house. Our health care is extraordinary having missive hospitals with new inventions helping people to survived, while having the best doctors in the country.

geo thermal powerplant

Parliament and stability
Instead our parliament here in Australia, Sporty City parliament is quick efficient and reliable getting things done in a timely fashion. Having three layers help are parliament to be the best. The lower house creates the bills (soon to be laws /maybe.) The central house makes sure that the citizens like the law and to do this the citizens do a vote and the upper house just needs assent from the governor to become a law. There is different colors on each level because each colour means something that there should be a law for to help the community or animals. Green stands for the forest and how you should not chop down trees. Yellow is for climate change and how you should use electric transportation. The light blue at the bottom stands for how you shouldn’t litter as it can destroy oceans.

I know that my city is pretty cool but it is far from perfect that’s why we are still building. Every city needs cool stuff so your citizens can have fun and relax. Sporty city, has devoted their city to be the sportiest yet. This is good because sport is fun and healthy for the mind and body, it can also release stress if you have any. This also makes are city very healthy as it also encourages people to do sport. We also have stadiums where fans can watch their favorite team play. We also have a sport complex were kids can play other teams in different sports and professional players can also hold camps their. This sport complex is open 24/7. We have a missive aquarium it is very affordable so most people can go. We also have a theme park including roller-coasters waterslides and lots of food to have. We have a hotel with a bar and restaurant with lots of food. This this in mind I think are city is pretty good.

In Wayne’s world 5 changed to survival mode in term four and are wealth was tulips. Our goal was still to build but to get recourses we had three options: to by from the world bank, by from other cities or gather it yourself. We currently have 8 and almost a half of stacks of tulips or 535 tulips, we have made many trades and bought many things.
The sporty city is very strict when being racist, sexist and judging someone’s religion as you will be put in jail for these actions. Our city is very inclusive, it has a range of activities for all kinds of people, including the LGTBQI+. Our city encourages you to come in, we have equal rights for all people, no matter the race, gender or religion. We believe everybody is the same, no-one is above anyone, there all equal.
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