First of all what was this project all about? Project Utopia is where year seven all saints students have to design the Fremantle port. It was are job to design the Fremantle port because it was moving to Kwinana. Before this project we had to look at the global goals and had to learn about concepts of liveability to have a better idea of how the place could be liveable. In this project we went into groups and we created a vision board but we also created

The space that we had to design we very big, so I had to overcome lots of challenges, to overcome these challenges me and my group had to use the capabilities in the correct way to point us in the right direction. Using the capabilities well is very beneficial and useful as it can help you with lots of situations, for example it can help you apply for a job or it can also help you start your own business. Doing this project has helped me to use the capabilities in a way that helps me for the future.

In this project we had to go into groups and do research on how to make the place sustainable, eco friendly and fun. With this group work we had to use collaboration to improve the team as it makes teams more efficient and with the time frame that we had we had to work effectively, workflows become quicker and it helps with problem solving, the capability that we tell next. Without collaboration there would be no teamwork, and we would all be unorganised and have no trust in each other.
When researching we had to look at what made cities liveable and problems they might of had and solve them so those problems wont happen to our design, we also find out if there was any flaws to our design. To solve the problems that had accord we had to use the capability problem solving. Before this project I have to admit I was really bad at problem solving in real life scenarios but with this project I have practised this capability and I have improved my skills with it. Problem solving is probably the most important capability, and the problem solving in this project enables us to develop situational awareness, resourceful thinking and a creative mindset. Learning how to do problem solving at a young age helps people to be more successful when they get a job or start there own busyness, so this part of the project was very beneficial.

Also when we were in groups we had to use effective communication to have one clear idea in mind that everyone has contributed. When researching in a group you have to use effective communication to one clear idea, as for example when we just started researching my group had pour communication and we were starting to get behind with the work but then we put each other into rolls that they would be best at and communicated more. This work amazingly well. Effective communication allowed my group to have a better exchange of ideas making our vision board to be allot better. Also when we were doing affective communication we were a lots more satisfied with the work as we all got a say on what we wanted. Effective communication has helped me to satisfy my group and have a better vision board.

When doing my oral presentation I forgot a part of the script and there was a long gap of silence so I had to use my palm cards. For me this was very embarrassing so I had to use resilience to keep on going. Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from a difficulty and it played a major role to help me recover and keep going with my presentation. Resilience is a very important skill because it helps people overcome hardship and help a person grow. People who have little to no resilience will get overwhelmed easily and have bad coping mechanisms so it is very important that we can all feel vulnerable and hardship and use resilience.
This project was fun and has taught me how to use lots of the capabilities in different ways, and I learnt so much from it. So thank you to all of the teachers that organised it.

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