I am currently working on writing a book which will explain my experiences with misophonia, which is a condition that I have where I physically can’t handle some things that I see and hear. I have had misophonia since I was in Year 3, and it has disrupted my life and made some things unbearable. I hate having misophonia, as sometimes it feels like it controls my life. I feel like I should write a book so that other people around me can understand it. Sure, I’m not that great at writing and sure, it probably won’t get published, but it’s still fun, so I’m definitely going to continue doing it. The thing that I want the most is for people to just understand that misophonia is a serious thing, and that you should never try to annoy someone who has misophonia.
Month: September 2019
I love animals, as you can probably tell from my previous post. My aunty also owns a poultry farm, where she breeds and sells her own poultry. Her business is called the Locke View Poultry Zoo, and sometimes I go over and help her look after the chickens and other poultry. I am also trying to help a group of boys get chickens for the school, as I personally think that would be fun for everyone, and very beneficial as we would have compost bins too. I know a lot about chickens, and once my aunty even lent me an incubator and gave me some eggs so that I could hatch some chickens, which I enjoyed.

My Rabbit
On Wednesday, June 5th, 2019 I got my pet rabbit. He is a white rabbit with red eyes, which the lady called a ruby-eyed white (or you could call him an albino, they are both correct), and he is currently about 3 or 4 months old. He isn’t a family pet as I have to look after him myself, although sometimes my mum helps out too. Every few days, I will have to clean out his cages (he has one inside and one outside!), and everyday I have to fill up his food, hay and water, and then give him a lettuce leaf or two. He needs about 20 minutes of exercise a day, and I try to give him as much exercise as I possibly can! I love my rabbit, and if there is one thing to know about caring for a pet is that a pet may only be a part of your life, but you are their whole life.
If you have ever lost a pet, then I am very sorry, and I know how it feels. My dog had to get put down on the 20th of December 2018, and I didn’t even get to say goodbye, which made me even more upset. I want ou to know that after a while it gets better. It doesn’t ever feel the same, and every now and then you will get upset, but it does get a whole lot better if you wait a few weeks.
A Monster Calls
I am currently in the Year 7-9 production of A Monster Calls. I am a part of the ensemble, which in my idea is one of the best roles because we get to play all the background characters, and we end up getting more lines than some of the people who have character roles. We also have a lot more movements, and it’s lots of fun. In one of the scenes, we have to switch between being a castle, to trees, to princes fighting dragons, to being dead, to one tree, to two trees, then to a castle again. It gets pretty hectic sometimes, but it’s worth it! We have to go to rehaearsals after school 3 days a week, which can be very exhausting, but in the end it will all be worth it!
England Trip 2018
In July of 2018, I went on a month-long holiday around England and Scotland with my parents. My sister stayed in Winchester for a majority fo the trip, as she was participating in a music program called Ingenium, which was the reason that we went to England. We visited some of our relatives that live in England, and I even got to stay with my Great Aunty Margaret in Cornwall for a night!