In Term 3 of this year, I went on Year 9 OLP to Kalbarri, where we spent 5 days hiking and camping in tents. We were in charge of pitching our tents, preparing our food, tidying our campsites and packing up our tents. We chose our own cooking groups where we all had different roles towards making our meals, and each day our entire camp group would switch between different roles to keep us together. These roles were things like ensuring the team had water, being leaders and getting the group together, arranging the food for each day and hygiene leaders. This OLP was an amazing opportunity for me to further develop my teamwork and leadership skills, as I was in charge of getting everything I needed done. Responsibility was a very important skill to have on this camp, because for the most part, the kids were in charge. It was great to have a break from electronics and spend some time outside with my friends, and although all the changes were difficult at times, it was worth it to get some fresh air and exercise.