Health/Connected Learning Term 4

This term in Health and Connected Learning we have been learning about online behaviours and discussing the correct ways to stay safe and behave well online.

I learnt some valuable information about how to stay safe online, and just be cautious of what you comment. In my opinion, the saying “Think before you speak” counts for commenting online and texting as well.

I was horrified to learn about some of the horrible things going on online, and nobody deserves to be bullied or teased, whether it be online or in person. I hate how people comment stuff, knowing that they would not be confident enough to actually say these things to somebody’s face. The people who do that shouold not be allowed to do it, but luckily we have blocking and reporting.

This unit has taught me a lot, and I will definitely change my online behaviour using the information that I have learned during these lessons. One way that I will change my online behaviours is to avoid liking any videos or comments that may be funny, but can still be taken offensively to certain people.

Another way that I will change my online behaviour is that I will only leave kind and supportive comments, and make sure not to post any comments that will make anyone feel upset. I will nto retaliate to any bullies, and if anybody leaves a mean comment on my posts then I will just, as Mr J says, “Kill them with kindness.”

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