Outdoor Ed – Lock 2021

Lock 2021 – Honeymoon Pool

Lock is an elective which includes:

  1. Fishing
  2. Camp Skills
  3. Rock climbing

Camp Activities

Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing was one of the units that we did in Lock. This included climbing at Honeymoon Pool and rock climbing at All Saints’ College.

Briefing and Demonstration for Rock climbing and Abseiling

Problem solving

During the Lock unit we did rock climbing as one of the activities and that included rock climbing on School grounds, Urban Jungle and rock climbing and abseiling at Honeymoon Pool. We used problem solving by finding ways to make it to the top of the way or by getting down when we were confronted with problems along the way.

Effective communication

Effective communication during rock climbing was a key capability during the unit because safety most of the time relied on having good communication with your peers. We used effective communication by talking to the person climbing and the person belaying, these 2 people needed to have good communication in order to have a fun and safe lesson.


Rafting in the Collie Dam

Creative and Collaborative

Being creative in rafting in the lock unit was fun to use because it was also a mixture of problem solving. During rafting sometimes there were long lines of taking our rafts out of the water and we had to wait for people in front of us. So Sienna and I were thinking of ways to skip the line and wait on the other side of the rocks. We would find different pathways to adventure through even if we thought it would be hard but we found some fun and creative ways to get the rafts over some rocks. This is also collaborative because Sienna and myself were together as a team collaborating to have fun and work together to achieve our end goals.

Bush Cooking


We were using organisation because during bush cooking everyone needed to be organised so that the food we produced was up to standards and get the dish we expected. My cooking group was Sienna, Reuben, Misaaq, Dele and myself and we all communicated and were organised. An example is we all brought food that we were assigned to bring for the day so that we can all enjoy cooking together as a group.