Hello, I’m delighted to introduce myself! My name is Charlotte, and I am a dedicated student and passionate Nulsen youth patron at All Saints’ College. I have always been fascinated by the world and its diverse cultures and ways, which has fueled my passion for travel and adventure. Whether it’s an OLP in the gorges of Kalbarri or a family trip to Singapore, I thrive on embracing new experiences and expanding my knowledge in other countries. Alongside my love for exploration, I am an believer in Buddhism which means I believe in karma and if you do good for the world, the world will do good for you. It keeps me moral and guides my actions.

Beyond my great interest in improving myself and travelling, I find tremendous joy in expressing my thoughts through the visual arts. I am deeply passionate about designing fabrics and painting, as it allows me to have the freedom and creativity I need to be who I am. Whether it’s making a simple flower pattern or a complicated dotted painting, I find it captivating and powerful in keeping me calm. Additionally, I also have a keen interest in Netball, keeping me fit and healthy whilst teaching me values of teamwork and cooperation. Being able to express myself through a sport and art gives me a sense of fulfillment.

Accompanying my strong pursuits, I am dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of others, which is proven by my ongoing connection to community service. I strongly believe in the importance of empathy and compassion. These values have led me to actively engage in volunteer work, supporting various that connect and extend my values. Whether it’s working with local communities and cleaning rubbish off the streets or visit Nulsen residents, I am driven to contribute my time and skills to help create a better world. Through these experiences, I have learned the significance a simple act of kindness to a person or the environment can have on our world.

Inquisitive in nature and constantly seeking new experiences, I embrace the future with an open-mind and positivity.