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Red tulips. This is our currency for the world the red tulips can be traded can be used to buy things. We had to build a little bank in our city to hold the tulips and we built a tulip farm next to it. If we go into dept then there is 1% interest every day. Myself and Ruby have currently payed off all of our dept. Me and ruby still have around 9 and a half stacks of tulips.

About us

Mountain Range city is Ruby’s city and mine. By the end of this project our goal is to be one of the most livable cities. We are starting to make our own axolotl farm. In our city we are starting to build and axolotl farm. We are not very isolated because we have to cities that are very close to us. In our city we have We have a giant solar grid on top of the mountains. There are leads all around our city connecting to the grid. a dam, parliament, houses, solar panels, hospital, library’s and some more buildings.

Cool Stuff

In our city we have a range of cool things. My favorite is the purple house I had the idea of building this to represent the our city can be unique. We gold emerald and diamond water slide for the public to have fun slip and sliding. We also have an aquarium for only your favorite animals. We indeed have an axolotl farm and a slime trampoline on the top of our purple house. But we also have a slime border.


Mountain range city is an inclusive city because our library is open to any public that just wants to come in pick a book and read. We have a daycare for any parents who need to work. Our city supports the choices that the people in our city want to make. as our preambles says We are the people of Mountain range city we believe that unity, diversity, peacefulness and harmony is the key to living happily in Mountain range city. This is saying that we want you to be happy and included. we as Mountain range city include the people who are hurt by have a hospital with different levels for babies, kids, adults and the elderly so that they don’t get bothered by others.


Mountain range city is a stable city because we have a parliament that keeps on top of every thing. We have enough tulips to buy what we want and still have more tulips. Mountain range city has houses for the people to live in so that they can have a stable life. Mountain range city has a hospital for the people in our city who get hurt. So that they will become stable again. People are aloud to go into our library it is free and it is a safe space to be in.