In InnovatED this term we were making a vison board about what we think the Future of Fremantle should look like. This is what I think the future of Fremantle should look like. I think the it should have things like tours, no poverty and it should be as sustainable as possible.

This makes me feel proud because I have put a lot of hard work into creating this piece of work. This was pretty easy but it took a lot of time. I struggled with the time frame we were given. This made it quite rushed, but I am really happy with how it turn out. I did this work in a group of three with Grace Cooper and Lucas. We did this during Humanities, English and InnovatED. We include a few global goals with this, such as goal number 2, 1, 8, 7, 13 ,11 and 14. We tried to colour code the top a half a little bit to make it look pretty and not bland.