Author: Chloe Roos (page 1 of 2)

French Number To Ten <3

Media Reflection (project x)

Describe the process you went through to create your production.

We began the process of creating our advertisement by organising groups, and within these groups, we came up with a concept for what we’d base our production around. Chloe, Caleb, Sean, and Josh were in my group, and we came up with the concept to market Chunky Monkey chocolate bars. The first stage was to develop a narrative and script for our concept. Then we made a storyboard for the entire commercial. Following that, we learned how and where to set up and operate the cameras in order to film our advertisement. We each had a distinct task to complete in order to set up the camera. Then we began filming and selected our outfits and sets. We collected all of our footage after filming and turned it into an advertisement.

How did you come up with the original idea?

We came up with the concept since we wanted to film an advertisement in a school setting, so we decided to produce chunky monkey chocolate bars. This is due to the fact that in our advertisement, a child is teased for not being strong, and then he receives a chunky monkey chocolate bar and thus becomes muscular and popular.

Describe three obstacles or challenges that you encountered when creating your production.

I think the group was challenged by my coming into the group late so they had to add me to the advertisement and make space for me to do things. One more difficulty we encountered was having to share our space and time with another group shooting in the locker area. We also had difficulty coming up with suggestions of what to do because everyone disagreed with each other.

What would you do differently next time?

I would have known to come to the first lesson so that I could have been in the plan so it wasn’t as hard to add me to the advertisement and I also think we could have tried to be more organized during the filming because we kept having to redo the same scene because someone kept doing their part wrong.

Christmas Market Reflection


Every year all the year 7s have to get into a little group and design products to sell at the Christmas market. In my group, there was grace, Bridget, and me. My group made phone chains as our product. I thought that the market was a wonderful experience for me to expand my skills and understanding of design thinking. During the Christmas market, my group had to apply many economic ideas throughout the Market process to ensure that our product sold. 

These are our products


My group had to empathize with all of the customers that wanted to buy our products. So that we would make a design that they would like.


When we were defining our product we went through so many ideas because some ideas may not sell so they would get declined by Mr Scotti or it was over $30 so we couldn’t make it.


We had to make so many ideas because our first idea was not very good and it was really expensive to make. This led to my group taking and changing our idea so the whole production per product only cost $0.65. Which is way better than our original idea.


For our prototype, I made a phone chain at my house first just to see if it would work once I saw that it worked we continued with the phone chain idea for the Christmas market.

How my group came up with the price.

One of the thoughts we had before the market was that we happen to of made two different sizes. We had longer ones and shorter ones because we didn’t measure them properly. I am happy that this happened because I didn’t think about doing that before but once we realised we thought this was a good opportunity to make more of a variety for our customers. We created the price of our product by the size and the amount/type of beads used to make that phone chain. If it was a bigger phone chain, then it was $5 and if it was a smaller phone chain then we priced it at $3.

 As it got more towards the end of the market, we put the prices down to two dollars. We did this because it was better to sell more for a lower price than get no more customers and be left with 15 left because we don’t need that many left over.

This is my group

Some things that I would do differently if I was to do this again

I found this as a really great learning experience so I would be very happy to do this again.

I would have made more bigger phone chains because although they were more expensive than the smaller ones, the bigger phone chains were also more popular than the smaller ones. We only had the smaller phone chains left after the end of the market so I think that if we had made more bigger phone chains then we probably could have sold more. If we had made fewer small phone chains and made more bigger phone chains, we could have had a bigger profit because the bigger phone chains cost more than the smaller phone chains and since everyone wanted the bigger ones, we could have made more money.

I think that in general, we could have just made more of a variety of colour on the phone chains because lots of people wanted matching ones and just lots of the same as the ones or they had just seen other people wearing the colour or style of beads they wanted on a phone chain. But they didn’t buy any because we had already sold the one, they wanted, or we just didn’t make the one they wanted.

One more thing I think we could have done better was our pricing if we made it a little bit cheaper toward the start, we could have sold more of our phone chains. I thought we could have made the phone chains cheaper because the cost to make each one was only $0.65, and we sold it for $5 we may have made more profit but if it was that one dollar cheaper, I thought that more people would buy it. This is because multiple people came up to us and asked if there were any longer ones for a cheaper price because they didn’t want to spend that much money on a phone chain so if we made it just that $1 cheaper, we probably could have had lost more customers and we could have then made more profit.

Project Utopia Reflection 2022

What is Project Utopia?

I have seen Project Utopia as a chance to provide ideas to improve the harbour port and make it a liveable community since the Fremantle Port is relocating to Kwinana in around 10 years. We used what we learned in English, Humanities and InnovatED to construct a Vision Board that expresses our proposal. We went to the Fremantle Port as part of the project to see the place we were going to rebuild.

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This Is The Capabilities Wheel


In my group we had really good comunication because we were all friends and had worked together before. Apart from strong communication among the members of my group, good comunication was also needed when significant people such as Fremantle Port personnel and the Harbour project people visited us. These people would walk around the area we were working in and they might come up to us and have a conversation. If they had a conversation we would talk about our work and what we could improve about it. Since we were promoting our school, our communication must have been highly successful in front of the guests.


When we were up to making the vision board my group had a few strugles with finding the postion of the water and where it was located. We had done our work in the wrong spot of the vision board and need to re-do our vision board. My group knew that we just had to get on with it and use resilience. This ment not complaning about how we had to start again but just getting on with the work that needed to be done.


My group and i were not very organised at times and this could get very frustrating at times. I found this frustrating because this ment that my group kept having to go back to the classroom and get the things that we needed for our vision board so it was just wasting a lot of time.

Future Of Fremantle

In InnovatED this term we were making a vison board about what we think the Future of Fremantle should look like. This is what I think the future of Fremantle should look like. I think the it should have things like tours, no poverty and it should be as sustainable as possible.

This makes me feel proud because I have put a lot of hard work into creating this piece of work. This was pretty easy but it took a lot of time. I struggled with the time frame we were given. This made it quite rushed, but I am really happy with how it turn out. I did this work in a group of three with Grace Cooper and Lucas. We did this during Humanities, English and InnovatED. We include a few global goals with this, such as goal number 2, 1, 8, 7, 13 ,11 and 14. We tried to colour code the top a half a little bit to make it look pretty and not bland.

Dams (Science)


This is my Logo.

The slogan is Come get your chicken nuggies. I have used these colours because one is light and on is dark making it stand out. I think that this was a success because It looks good and chicken nuggets are tasty. I think that I could improve on the slogan. I feel that I could improve on this because it is not very catchy. The name of my business is chicken nuggets because I really like chicken nuggets. I made this for a challenge on adobe express. I chose this font because I think that it is easy to read and understand.


This is my logo

Tulip Mania

I’ve seen demand for toilet paper fall while it was in high demand. It was quite popular, particularly the large packs. They were being sold for $10 to $20 per pack! Some folks even bought a whole boot load to sell when the stores ran out. Because we were no longer under lockdown, demand for toilet paper plunged, and no one wanted to pay $10-20 for a roll of toilet paper.

protecting mountain ranges city wealth

To conserve the richness of mountain ranges and cities, we must be cautious with our money and resources, as we have spent a lot of bonemeal producing tulips rather than creating our great stuff. We should preserve our bonemeal and use our tulips to purchase materials for inclusive construction.

cool stuff, inclusiveness and wealth

Red tulips are the current money in WW5. All 12 towns may buy products from the world bank, trade, and build their riches by using red tulips. The international bank has all of the necessary resources. Red tulips may be used to purchase them in cities. Tulips are very popular for trading. Tulips are used to exchange supplies between cities. Bonemeal may also be used to build tulip farms. Tulip farms are a good method to increase your money. Mountain range city’s bank now possesses 6 and a half stacks of tulips.

A place’s inclusiveness is a non-negotiable need. Everyone should be made to feel welcome no matter where they are. Having wheelchair ramps for those with impairments, as well as a day care centre and a library, are examples of inclusivity. No two people are alike, and we all have different interests. Mountain range city residents are in agreement.

What I Enjoyed About WW5

I loved WW5 because we got to build a city that we could design in our group that we chose. The inquiry let our imaginations go crazy and we could build whatever we wanted to like my purple house. Designing mountain range city was great and we got to do some important stuff one being designing a Parliament in our city.

What Could Make mountain range city Better

WW5 could be more fun if we started the economics in term 3 towards the end. If we finished all the economics, we could start in early term 4, this would give us more time to expand our economics world and our cool stuff. Overall, the world was really fun, but I just want more time to make mountain range city the best possible city out of what me and Ruby could do.

Tulip Mania

Big pack of toilet paper

I’ve seen demand for toilet paper fall while it was in high demand. It was quite popular, particularly the large packs. They were being sold for $10 to $20 per pack! Some folks even bought a whole boot load to sell when the stores ran out. Because we were no longer under lockdown, demand for toilet paper plunged, and no one wanted to pay $10-20 for a roll of toilet paper.

Single toilet paper roll

Protecting mountain ranges city wealth

To conserve the richness of mountain ranges and cities, we must be cautious with our money and resources, as we have spent a lot of bonemeal producing tulips rather than creating our great stuff. We should preserve our bonemeal and use our tulips to purchase materials for inclusive construction.

Cool stuff, inclusiveness and wealth

Red tulips are the current money in WW5. All 12 towns may buy products from the world bank, trade, and build their riches by using red tulips. The international bank has all of the necessary resources. Red tulips may be used to purchase them in cities. Tulips are very popular for trading. Tulips are used to exchange supplies between cities. Bonemeal may also be used to build tulip farms. Tulip farms are a good method to increase your money. Mountain range city’s bank now possesses 6 and a half stacks of tulips.

A place’s inclusiveness is a non-negotiable need. Everyone should be made to feel welcome no matter where they are. Having wheelchair ramps for those with impairments, as well as a day care centre and a library, are examples of inclusivity. No two people are alike, and we all have different interests. Mountain range city residents are in agreement.

What I enjoyed about Waynes world 5

I enjoyed WW5 because we were given the opportunity to construct our own city. We were free to create whatever we wanted thanks to the enquiry, which allowed us to let our imaginations go crazy. Constructing a mountain range city was a lot of fun, and we got to do everything from writing a constitution to designing a parliament. It was also fascinating to learn about Parliament and electricity. The question piqued my curiosity in our planet.

What could of made mountain range city a better place

If we started economics in term 3 at the end, WW5 would be a lot more exciting. We could start early in term 4 if we finished all of our economics. This would offer us more time to grow our economics universe and wonderful stuff. Overall, I had a great time in the world, but I wish I had more time to make Mountain Range City the finest city it could be.

Parliament of Mountain Range City