The Christmas market is a market that the year 7 cohort participates in. We get given $30 and then make a product and sell them on the market day. All profit goes to charity at the Salvation Army. There was a variety of products sold this year, we made $1000 more than last years Christmas market.
Design Thinking Process:
We empathised by researching “Best Christmas Gifts For Tweens”, we saw a variety of things we could’ve made. We then thought what would someone by from the Christmas market and why? We then thought an ornament would be the best idea as people can start decorating their Christmas tree.
We started by finding some inspiration on Pinterest we found a perfect idea, we saw a grinch Christmas ornament, we thought that this would be a perfect idea as it is very cheap and easy to make.
After researching all the prices of the materials needed to make it, we realised that we would go over price. So we then looked for cheaper alternatives to ensure that we would not spend more than $30 on the products.
Making the prototype was very fun and at times hard. We had bought all our products and started to create the grinch baubles. We put a stencil inside the clear bauble and traced over it with a permanent marker. Then we stuffed the baubles with green feathers and then taped the baubles together.
We asked lots of teachers what they thought about our product and they all said it was really good and to improve they said we could’ve made it a bit neater. So that is what exactly what we did, we made all the baubles neater.
ASC Capabilities:
Throughout the journey of the Christmas market, we had to use many of the ASC capabilities. The three main capabilities we used where, Collaboration, organisation, and effective communication.
Collaboration was a big aspect during the market as we had to collaborate with each other to create our product. My group collaborated very well which is one of the reasons why I think we succeeded.
If my group was not organised throughout the project I think we would’ve failed as we had to be organised every week by bringing the materials needed. This ensured us to create our product to a high standard.
Effective Communication:
My group had to communicate well with each other in order to create our product on time and to good quality. We all communicated well with each other and did not get into any arguments at all throughout the project.
Things I could’ve Improved On:
Next time I would’ve tried much harder to look for cheaper alternatives for buying the products needed to create our final idea, I wish we made more baubles as we only had 12 and we sold out. If we created more by finding cheaper alternatives to the products that we bought, we would’ve made more profit as we had lots of people come back and ask if we still had any for sale. I would’ve also put in an effort to look for cheap packaging as we did not have any. I think we got really lucky at the Christmas market as we did not have many other competitors, that’s why our product sold out as they were unique. We also got the exact stall location we wanted which helped us sell our products more as it was noticeable, and it was under the shade, so it was less windy and less sunny. Overall, if we could do this market again, I would buy more products, buy packaging, and make the baubles to a much higher standard and put more effort into creating them.
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