During media in semester 2 we had to make a short film which represented a light bulb moment, this was for the illuman8 festival at the end of transition. The films where presented 3 at a time in the cpa, they did this so it confuses the audience on what one to watch.
The process we went through to create this film was, writing down ideas of films to make, then making a story board of the scenes that would happen, make a script for the scenes, record the scenes and then edited them. After all this was done it was presented at the illuman8 festival where all the parents viewed it.
Our idea that we came up with was to create a soccer film where there was a student needing help for a big match and a sensei monkey came and helped him improve, the light bulb moment is when the whole world sees that the player needing help is actually a monkey himself. We came up with this idea as soccer was one of our interest and we where just brainstorming things that interested us and we all agreed on soccer.
3 obstacles we had while creating our film:
-Every group member being there to film. At some weeks myself and some other group members where at sport carnivals and therefore we couldn’t film scenes that we where in.
-The amount of tries we took to film one scene because we couldn’t concentrate/focus or remember what to say.
-The biggest problem we had while making this film was, one week we had filmed most of our scenes to good quality and then a group member forgot to save it to his computer then all the scenes got deleted and we could present our whole film. We had to add text to inform the audience what was going on. Also some of the scenes where rushed as we had to do last minute filming.
Next time I would probably make sure that after every time we film, we save it on a group members computer. As I said before, this was a big problem as most of our scenes got deleted.
Our final presentation was presented on a loop at the illuman8 festival, it did not turn out as good as we thought it would or as we wanted it to. I think the audience understood when the light bulb moment was but it would’ve been much more easier to identify when we had all the scenes we needed.
Above is a link to our vision board and our script.
Above is a link to our final film production.
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