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Our earthquake proof building project, aimed to explore the different structural designs of various earthquake proof buildings, and implementing them into a pasta and blu-tack scale tower model, that had to withstand 10 seconds of a shake table. Through experimentation, analysis, and data collection, we tested the resilience and strength of different pasta structures on the shake table, after we tested it, we then .
Our engineering process was researching earthquake proof buildings, and implementing structures they have used into our pasta and blu-tack scale tower design. We then built the initial design. Then we moved onto testing, we tested our preliminary model, and then observed any weaknesses in our design that needed to be improved. Then we rebuilt our new and improved model, and tested it. We then moved to analysis, where we evaluated results, identified trends, and drew conclusions. In future, the only change I would make to the process would be, doing another rebuild and test on the scale pasta towers. This would be most beneficial for our group as it would’ve allowed us to strengthen our design even more, allowing it to perform better.
Above is an image of our pasta tower, withstanding the second testing phase.
Teamwork and Collaboration:
We where all responsible for our own research of the investigation, we trusted each other to research the problem individually, and have a good understanding on different earthquake proof designs. One particular member in my group used his steady and calm hands to construct the pasta tower, as any wrong move while creating the tower, could destruct it. Another member had a very good foresight of how to design the build, they knew exactly how they wanted the tower to be designed, and this helped significantly in the testing phase of our project, as it enabled our tower to withstand the shake table. Each member contributed equally to our investigation. Everyone’s combined strengths in organisation, research, and participation significantly enhanced the project’s overall quality.
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