Emily Cheng

Student Portfolio

Leadership and Teamwork

During year 9 camp at Kalbarri, I created some memorable moments that will last for a long time. Our group worked well together as a team and some of us showed some initiative leadership skills. We were given many different challengers we faced as a group such as cooking our meals and figuring out our day schedule which used bother teamwork and leadership.

What is leadership? Leadership to me is mapping out where you need to go or what you need to do in a way that is not bias and acts towards achieving a common goal. Throughout the week, many of us had the chance to show leadership during our time at Kalbarri. We had a system where we split up into different roles of cooking, hygiene, leaders, and environment. Different roles had certain things they needed to pack or do. The cooking group had to do things such as making sure we packed the snacks and made sure we had the right ingredients for dinner. When I was part of the leadership role, we had to decide when to wake up, what to pack, our daily schedule and the time we wanted to reach certain areas. Being a leader means that you have to show responsibility, communication and let people contribute their ideas. All of the roles had importance in the group so our time at Kalbarri was the most enjoyable.

What is teamwork? Teamwork is the ability to work together with other people in an effective and efficient way with communication to lead to a common aim. In many areas in Kalbarri that we had to show teamwork as the teachers did not contribute as much, as they let the group try and work together and figure out what to do. A time where we showed teamwork is when we played tarp volleyball. The aim of the game was to use a tarp and work together as a group to get the volleyball to the other side of the cones onto the oppositions field. We had to show teamwork because it was nearly impossible to win the game wit just one person. A key quality we had to show was communication and strategy. As a group, we talked to each other as to what side to move on and how low we had to go. Throwing it back to the other side also took a lot of communication as we had to throw the ball at the same time. We did this by counting down 3, 2, 1 all at the same time out loud to make sure everyone knew what they were doing. Although we lost against the other team, I think our group showed that teamwork is important, and that communication is they key to success.

By having areas to show leadership and teamwork, made our camp move smoothly and made sure everyone had a fun time.

Emily Cheng • September 1, 2020

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