Ethan Young

An introduction

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I’m possible”

This quote by Audrey Hepburn describes my life. With all its not exactly smart decisions to its greatest achievements. I will never declare something truly impossible. Hello my name is Ethan Young, a boy who enjoys a couch and a good book more than anything. I come from Perth WA, and I went to school at All Saints College

My hobbies

Me with my family in Pemberton

My main hobby’s are reading books and playing team sports and playing video games. One big part of my life is basketball. This game of squeaking shoes and flying balls. This fast paced game improves your teamwork, athletic ability and is just generally fun. I will always remember the stress you feel when everything goes sideways, but I will never forget the feeling of pure joy and happiness when you score the winning shot.

Reading is amazing. Just the feeling of escaping reality and living In worlds of magic and fairy tales makes all the pain and turmoil of school worth it. Reading allows me to enhance my vocabulary learn, important life lessons, provide entertainment, educate you about history and help you distract yourself. It almost makes paper cuts worth it.

My last hobby is playing video games. Now though this is thoroughly thought to be a pointless thing to do to pass the time, but this actually isn’t true. Gaming can improve your hand eye coordination, you teamwork skills, the ability to make spontaneous decisions, the ability to make hard choices and strengthens bonds between those who play together. I wholeheartedly think gaming is a really good tool to use to develop these skills.

My experiences

Throughout my life I have had a number of experiences that I can say changed me. Some of these include becoming a captain for my junior school. This helped me develop my leadership and decision making skills, as leading children seemed to be harder then herding cats. My life was full of experiences like this. Some choices I regret but I would do all of them again.