The entire project was interesting to research and plan yet kind of awfully stressful. Gathering materials and ideas was painful, but I am happy about how much we got done and the amount of effort we had put in. My group and I were good at coming up with solutions to our arguments and were all able to communicate our feelings. Our collaboration was the best capability, as we could mix our ideas well and understand each other’s point of view. Although all of us were coming from different sides, it seemed to work pretty well once he sorted out our collaboration. I think our time management could have been way better and we should have spent more time on research. We started running out of time a lot later into the project and had to quickly print a bunch of things and redo some stuff almost an hour before the showcase.
The things I would do differently would be to put more attention into placing the buildings in our town and probably design things a bit differently as we had to change some layout and the buildings such as the apartment got messy and less quality was put into it. I definitely enjoyed designing the most, as it was fun to be in charge of putting this there and adding this to that. I also felt that presenting was exciting, as I could express my ideas and research with parents and teachers. Although I enjoyed presenting, it was one of the most challenging parts of the whole project. Some questions were difficult to answer, and it was hard to add in all details throughout the entire conversation.
This whole project was quite interesting to see unfold and all the knowledge I gained from this was really helpful and I will definitely use these factors and ideas in further projects.