A few things iv’e been working on during my 2 terms of aquaponics includes things like the idea of producing lemonade through the unused lemon trees, as well as coordinating ideas for the presentation day and even creating the ASAP scrapbook alongside Charlotte! I spent the majority of Term 2 working on the scrapbook, which can then be presented to future years of aquaponics and provide them with ideas and inspiration. I also spent the last 4-5 weeks of Term 2 harvesting and handing out lemons to the ASC staff. I also spent e few weeks trying to find the best lemonade recipe!
I really enjoyed aquaponics this semester, and It has been one of the few subjects iv’e extremely enjoyed and invested a lot of my ideas into. The reason being is that it’s 2 periods of being able to express my ideas and love for gardening and outdoors, as well as being a chance to share my interests with my friends and classmates, in a friendly and all around positive classroom.