Leave No Trace
While out on our trip and even during our regular lessons we followed many leave to trace protocols, as it is the best way to allow the nature around us to stay intact and so we do not make a negative impact on our surroundings. One of the biggest principles we followed includes minimizing fire impacts, as we did a lot of fire practice and bush cooking. In order to follow this protocol, we had to make sure the weather was suitable for us to even start fires, lucky for us, the fire season had started just in time for us to practice lighting and tending to fires. As well as this, we had to use water in order to extinguish the fires we had started, as we are not permitted to keep them alight or just leave them on their own, as they may not fully go out.
Another principle we followed is the dispose of waste principle, especially during our bush cooking activity. This means properly disposing of our rubbish, cleaning our area of fallen foods and any loose pieces. This ensures that none of the wildlife around us is harmed and no animals get sick or try to eat our waste. This is key for keeping a healthy ecosystem and keeping the area a relatively low impact space.
ASC Capabilities
Throughout the Lock lessons, I used and grew many capabilities shown on the wheel, over the many different activities we did. During bush cooking, we had to used lots of effective communication in order to get each aspect of the meal done (prepping, cooking, serving etc.), as well as being collaborative. During the kayaking lessons, we had to be resilient whenever we capsized or couldn’t get our skirts on, and organised in order to get to the bus and the foreshore on time and ready. During the rock climbing sessions, we most certainly had to use effective communication, telling each other when to let each other down or making sure we’re ready. We also had to use organisation as we had to make sure everything was tied properly and no rope were tangled.