
our brainstorm consisted of different models and calculations of what we need and what it would cost. Our brainstorm was no where near our final product but it was good to note down our ideas and do some trial and error. Our brainstorm was prior our research, so we had no idea what would be the best structure or how to approach building it. I was originally more focused on the amount of spaghetti we used, and I feel that this first design would have failed as there is practically no support. I was also sold on the rectangular design at it seemed structurally sound, yet i was not properly thinking about base strength and supports.


Our design will involve triangles throughout the building as our research shows that triangles are the strongest shape. we also decided on a strong 3-pyramid base as our testing showed that they withstood movement, which is necessary for a good base. we also made room at the top for a platform, and kept the whole design relatively simple. we are hoping for our design to be roughly 60cm in height as this is our minimum, and possibly 28cm in width. our purchases will include possibly $41 going towards buying spaghetti sticks, and $18.7 for a stick of blue tack. our design will take up approximately 34 sticks all together, which leaves 7 for any improvements we need to make.


Our final creation was very different to what we thought we were making. For starters, our tower was much skinnier, as this made it easier to get more height with less spaghetti. We also used triangles throughout the entire building as it kept it strong and stable. we also implemented a 3-triangle base for the most strength at the bottom. We had to change the size of the top, as we needed to fit a 5×5 platform at the top. While this made it weaker, we managed to reach the minimum height (60cm) and fit on the platform.

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