Hi, i’m Holly.
About Me
Hey, I’m Holly. I am part of the class of 2025. I’m extremely passionate about the sports I do, and a few academic topics such as Mathematics and English. I care a lot about my friends and family, making sure they’re happy and safe, and I also care about sticking to my values and keeping on track with life. I usually dedicate my free time to working hard on assessments or connecting with friends online or in-person. I also find interest in computers and gaming. I’m currently working hard to increase my grades and social interactions. I’m also interested in baking, gaming and being creative.
I pride myself in my hard work, dedication, devotion, and organization, which has been shown in my awards such as my house spirit award for cheering on my team, and my dedicated student award for staying focused during karate. I also believe I can work efficiently and get things done before the due date, while also making sure they are perfect and presentable. I do my best to keep humble and self-aware, as although my emotions can get the best of me, I don’t let it carve my pathways and take me over. I also find happiness in helping people, as it’s rewarding. I believe I can work ethically in a work environment, as I’ve been doing for the past 8 years or so, but I mean I’ve developed since then- as I’ve become more resilient. I always strive to follow my values of being self-aware and honest.
In the future, I would love to continue my service, by cooking for the homeless or applying for councilor positions, although that’s still in high school. For the further future I would love to pursue a career in architecture or even law. Other than that, I would love to make my parents proud and be able to love comfortably, and even still give back to the community.

My Future
when i graduate, I want to study a lot of different things. i want to be an architect, or maybe a lawyer and even possibly an astrophysicist. Although all of these jobs sound really cool, I want to study computer engineering/computer science, as computers and hardware really fascinates me. It’s going to be really hard to pick something that i’ll enjoy, but i have plenty of time still and i’m just trying to live to the fullest. I don’t need to worry at the moment, as of right now, you’ll find me wasting hours on games, or being out and about having the time of my life! But in the future, I promise that i’ll be attentive and hard working. I would love to make an impact on the world in any kind of way, as I love giving back to the community- maybe in doing so I wont still be called “Hugh’s sister”!
that’s it for now!