Keys For Life- Assessment

Throughout semester 2, our health class underwent a program all about learning and preparing for driving/road safety. This involves completing a journal, learning different parts of a car and how to check them as well as a theory test at the end. This course is set to teach us the dangers of driving, as well…

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Muir- Outdoor Education

Muir Overview: In Muir, we have focused on many skills such as archery, snorkelling and orienteering, as well as going on many excursions such as Piney Lakes Reserve, Jorgenson Park and soon we will visit Rottnest Island for a camp. We have spent time enhancing what we know as well as working as a team…

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The Principles of Justice

Lloyd Rayney Perth Case “Everyone is equal before the law”… This should have been the case for Lloyd Rayney. introduction: There are a number of principles that have been created and designed to withhold equality and fairness within the legal system and courts. They each have been properly created in order for each case to…

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WWW- efficiency

Defining Terms Water efficiency: Water efficiency is reducing water wastage by measuring the amount of water required for a particular purpose and the amount of water used or delivered. Water efficiency differs from water conservation in that it focuses on reducing waste, not restricting use. Energy efficiency: reducing the energy used to do the same…

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Lock (Outdoor Ed) ~ Semester 1

Lock is a Year 9/10 elective that brings you to the outdoors and teaches you many things about camping and survival, such as kayaking, bush cooking and rock climbing . Recently, I have been thoroughly enjoying my time in Lock, and have used all the skills we learnt in our most recent day trip to…

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Personal Pathway ~ Life Skills 2022

My Learning: Currently, my favourite subjects consist of science- as I find practicals very fun, informative and hands-on, english- as I love getting creative and expressing my ideas on paper as well as writing descriptive and persuasive texts, and PE- because I enjoy getting outside and getting active. This year, I am currently studying all…

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