2023 English Reflection

Throughout the last year in English, we as a class worked extremely efficiently to complete numerous amounts of assessments. Overall, I am pretty satisfied with my results in English, and I have learnt lots of lessons and utilized the ASC capabilities trying to complete the assessments. My personal favorite task, and the best mark I achieved this year (87%), was the creation of a podcast in Term 1. In this assessment we created a podcast about a specific topic that would entertain a specific target audience. It was extremely entertaining and fun to create.

I worked with Alison to try and complete this task. We are a really good team, and we cooperated and collaborated efficiently in order to complete this task. It took us 4 weeks to research, create, record and edit the podcast. We made sure our research was thorough, and we didn’t waste much time so we would complete the task before the due date. Achieving 87% felt very nice, as it was the first assessment of the year, and it set a good precedent for the rest of the year. We worked really hard to produce a good podcast, and our mark was reflective of our work. This assessment developed some of our capabilities like creativeness, and effective communication.

For the next year, my goal is to develop some more English skills such as structure in my essay writing, and vocabulary to improve my marks in analysis type of assessments. My goal is also to develop some ASC capabilities such as intuitiveness and leadership in group type of projects.

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