What is this project?
This project is for students all around Australia. For this project, you have to create a video showing an aspect of change. My group decided to make a video on animal adaptations and the changes that some animals need to take to survive.
We were being marked on:
How did you organise your group?
Each person in our group was allocated a different role to play in our video and then we allocated a few people to edit and film. Everyone in our group had the opportunity to express their ideas and then have a say when we were deciding on our final idea. If we were able to repeat the process I would try to take less time filming and spend more time organising our costumes.
Did your group have any disagreements?
Our group did not have any disagreements but we did have some issues with people forgetting their costumes and then because of this we had to swap around our filming plan to fit around this issue.
How did your group manange their time?
My group managed our time well because we had finished the project early and to a good quality. I think that we could improve this aspect of our video by spending more time organising our costumes.
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