About Me

Get to know me…

• I am someone who is energetic, loves video games, and plays water polo. I do Taekwondo aswell. I also enjoy drawing, cooking, bike riding and watching movies.
• I am happiest when I am home with my family or with my friends. I am happiest when I am travelling the world as well.
• My interest in Water polo draws upon my strengths in swimming and team sports.

One of my favourite places to be is Croatia, staying with my grandparents in Tučepi which is a seaside town on the Dalmatian coast.

My 2021

My 7Y Tutor Group

Year 7 was a year of great change and growth. We were introduced to high school where things worked quite differently to what I was used to.  I became part of a Tutor Group and had a variety of specialist teachers for my subjects, some of them being new subjects which I really enjoyed. An example would be Food Technology, where we were able to learn how to cook different recipes which I then also cooked for my family to show them my new skills.

Project X was another new subject for high school. Project X is a subject that has four different classes, one class for each term.  These four classes include visual arts, dance, drama and media. In each term we would have an assessment on each of these and it would help us get an understanding of each subject to help us decide which two we wanted to choose for Year 8. Drama in particular made me feel engaged, during our play ‘The Midsummer Night Dream’. My part in this didn’t have many lines but I still enjoyed performing with my peers.

There are many new co-curricular opportunities in high school and I took part in before school Swimming training on Fridays. This was a great way to get some exercise, build my strength for water polo which I do outside of school, and start the day fresh and energised. After the training the Canteen would supply breakfast (toast, yoghurt, juice) for the swimmers and the running club which was appreciated so that we were ready to start the day with a full stomach.

In high school there are opportunities to mix with other older year groups through sport championship tournaments. There are many different sports in this tournament and they are decided by a vote from the students. We gathered a team of players and participated in the Dodgeball tournament. Our team was the only Year 7 team in the tournament which was challenging because the other teams had older stronger players. However, we still enjoyed this fun activity because we got to play dodgeball every Monday and Thursday for several weeks.

Moving to high school also meant finding a new place to gather at break times. Our group started off by meeting at a bench a bit closer to high school than where we were sitting during Year 6. We moved on from that spot to a place on the Common which was more central and closer to the lockers and canteen. This location is much better because it’s closer to everything and we can enjoy and participate in the different events that are often happening on the Common such as bake sales, co-curricular fairs, music and mini markets. Perhaps we started off sitting closer to Year 6 because it felt familiar and we were used to being there. It just took a week or two of settling in and getting used to the new area.

Beginning high school and having a change like that has enabled me to see that I can face change and new things, and everything will be ok.  It has given me confidence to know I am capable of taking on new things and adapt to a new environment, even if I feel a bit nervous to begin with.

If there is one thing I could have done differently, maybe I could have gone out of my comfort zone more and tried some other opportunities like class rep. Looking back I didn’t put myself out there because I was too scared to fail and was worried I would let people down if I messed up. I need to sometimes push myself to do something like that even if I feel uncomfortable.

Overall, my 2021 was really good and I felt like the transition to Year 7 was smooth and easy to adjust to. Having a Transition program was helpful and good support for us. The high school environment was welcoming and I didn’t feel out of place.

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