Letter to a MP

Letter to a MP

Why I chose this issue:

I feel that this is an issue that directly relates to me and my peers, and it also has a lot of weight. Here is the letter:

The letter:

13 May 2022

Mr Josh Wilson MP

PO Box 1224

Fremantle, WA, 6160

Dear Mr Josh Wilson MP,

I am writing this letter to ask you to implement a limit to the amount of homework given to students.

I am a resident of Western Australia, and I am very concerned about the negative impact of too much homework on students.

This pressure of homework can be detrimental to students in multiple ways:

Large amounts of homework can increase stress levels. This has been proven to cause students to get worse grades than before if homework levels are consistently above 80-90 minutes per day. This defeats the whole purpose of homework.

Too much homework also can negatively affect family time, as there is just not enough time to have fun with family. Family is one of the most important things in a student’s life, as strong family bonds help to build great self-esteem, confidence and teaches vital social skills. Instead of spending their time after school with their family, students are forced to do their homework every afternoon. This is the major factor decreasing the quality of family life.

Students are staying up all night to do homework, yet nothing is being said. Even if homework is used sparingly, there are two more points I would like to cover:

First, why is homework even necessary? How is it that students are at school for seven hours a day and still not learning enough that they must do hours of homework when they get home? If enough cannot be taught in seven hours, this is an incredibly inefficient system.

Second, teachers often believe that they are the only teacher giving homework to the student in question. This can stack up, often with students ending up with ten to twenty minutes of homework per subject. Six subjects a day can lead to a total of over two hours per day. Teachers have also been proven to underestimate the amount of homework given by up to 50%. Stating the obvious, this exceeds the eighty-minute stress mark by a large amount.

Once again, I ask you to consider putting a Homework Limit Law in place, as this issue affects the whole future generation, and those yet to come.

Yours sincerely,

Jarrah Gleadell.

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