$20 Boss
$20 Boss was a great experience for me, and I’m going to explain the process my group and I went through to get our product ready for the market. At the start, our idea was Pokemon Lasercut keychains. We started with pixel art, and then decided on normal lines. This was a big game-changing choice, allowing for a lot more time to be used for other parts of the project.
We then decided to create some surveys for customer review, which then led to more time wasted than work being done. This was one of largest time wasters, in turn one of our largest problems. We spent most of Term 3 doing things that ended up not being useful in the end.
By Term 4, we had a new idea that we thought would bring in the money: lasercut Uno Reverse cards. These were a great idea, but by the time this had come into our heads it was too late to make many. And here’s our biggest problem we had to overcome: lasercutting. Since so many other groups wanted to lasercut, we had to time and produce effectively. We didn’t do this. So, with one week to go, we had to mass produce as fast as possible, leading to us having only 3 Uno reverse cards.
Overall, this was a reflection of our problems in producing our products and how we overcame them.