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Stay alive: don’t text and drive.

Stay alive: don’t text and drive.

What were the biggest things I learned at the RACbstreetsmart excursion?

The bstreesmart excursion really hit home for me – especially the crash enactment. Showing that not even the advanced medicine we have now can always save you is a particularly frightening thought; one bad decision could affect the rest of your life, or straight up cut it short. The enactment made it more than just stats for me, now it feels real, not like something that could happen to someone else.

What one piece of advice would I give to young drivers above all else? Why?

Don’t crash. Before you say ‘Wow, that’s about the least generic advice I’ve ever heard’, hear me out. If I said don’t get distracted while driving, or don’t drink drive, that would be a lie. Above all else, don’t crash. All the other things are just part of the problem – you need to think about the whole picture in order to have a safe experience. Crashing is the cause of 100% of all car-related injuries on the road, so why not minimize that? Why focus on just one thing when you could do it all? And yes, it’s not helpful in actually telling you how not to crash, but whatever I tell you isn’t going to the be-all and end-all. Do some research, figure out how to be safe on the roads, and don’t crash.

My driver’s pledge:

As a beginner driver, my driver’s pledge is a set of important things for me to stick to when behind the wheel. This includes what I will, and won’t, do.

I will: stay focused on the task at hand (the road), keep my surroundings free of distractions (the passengers, mobile devices, etc.) and stay beneath the speed limit at all times.

I won’t: drink and drive, text or other activity while driving, drive while tired or in dangerous conditions, and once again, above all else, crash.

2024 Y10 Health – Jarrah Gleadell.

Health Alcohol Assessment

Health Alcohol Assessment

Health Alcohol Assessment

What were the main things I learned during this assessment

Some of the biggest things I learnt personally were how to manage time more effectively, and how to organise the group’s ideas and compromise to come up with something we are all happy with. I learnt to manage time through my group’s disorganisation, and since we were largely unprepared with a week until the presentation, I took control and gave people jobs and decided how we would do our presentation properly. I believe that this helped me as a person to understand time management a lot better, and think this will greatly help me in the future.

What is one piece of advice you would give to teenagers above all else? Why?

If you have the chance to drink, don’t. If you can avoid drinking as long as possible, it greatly decreases your risk of self-injury, embarrassment or other consequences.

I believe this is very important advice, and something I will try to stick to myself. The wide range of consequences from alcohol and the mitigation techniques can be completely avoided if you avoid alcohol itself.

Write down a pledge that you will commit to if you start drinking alcohol.

If I decide to drink alcohol, I will be responsible. I will always make sure there is someone I can rely on who is sober if I decide to drink, and I will make sure to drink low quantities. I will drink only in a safe environment, such as my home. I won’t take part in drinking competitions or the like, and I will avoid being pressured into drinking.

Why did I pick these things to commit to?

I chose these, as these are the main points that I feel reduce the risk of drinking. If there is someone nearby that I know will help me if I get drunk, I feel like this will reduce risks by a large amount. This also ties in with drinking in a safe area, as that way it’s almost certain someone I trust will be there. Being pressured into drinking is a large reason many people drink, although in the past peer pressure does not seem to affect me as much as others, and I will remember this and try not to be pressured into doing the wrong thing.

How will I stick to these commitments?

Well, I probably won’t drink. But just in case, I will remind my family/friends who will be with me at the time to help me stick to these commitments. I will also avoid brining alcohol to parties etc. as this will almost certainly encourage me to drink. I will avoid being around people (especially if they’re drunk) who I know will try to get me to drink, and I will avoid entering situations that will encourage me to drink.


Overall, I think that this assessment taught me a lot about alcohol and it’s effects. I now believe that alcohol should be avoided where possible, and if not possible to drink in small quantities. Since it’s consequences can be so impactful on people’s lives, evasion is the best method of mitigation. This assessment has taught me skills as well, for example how to lead a group into effective work, and also how to spend an hour making cardboard tubes and then leaving them at home on the day of the assessment. This assessment was an insight for me, into how bad alcohol actually is. Previously I had not realized how dangerous it could be, since it is common tradition to drink at parties or the like. this has helped me to understand why many people choose not to drink, and I believe I will be one of those people.

Me presenting our work on the presentation day (not like it really mattered, since everyone was playing Mario Kart)

Health Assessment T1 2022 Values & Role Models

Health Assessment T1 2022 Values & Role Models



a house :D
My House Of Values

My 3 Core Values

#1: Loyalty

My first core value is Loyalty, as I will always keep my promises, and I would hope that my friends would too. I also believe that loyalty can help build trust and understanding between people. I think that loyalty is very important in my everyday life, helping me keep my friendships active. Loyalty affects my life in the following ways: If there is specific information that someone has asked me to keep secret, I would not tell anyone even if it got me in trouble. I (do) always keep promises unless something physically stops me from doing so. I think this can affect my decisions, as if I am loyal to someone (my friends, for example), I would help them over others etc.

#2: Humour

Second, I have humour as a core value. Humour is very important to me, as without it we would spend our days moping around with little happiness (exaggeration alert). I believe that humour can help people rise out of bad times in their life, even if not much, and that it will always brighten someone’s day. Some people might say that humour is what I try to do (and fail) at, and others might say that it is what I do best. I think that humour affects me in quite a few ways, including how I act around people and how I interact with people. I always share any funny stuff that I came across/happened to me.

#3: Friendship

My third, and last, core value is friendship. Friends are great people who can help you through difficult times, and even just be fun to hang around with. Friendship is a massive influencer on my life, similar to peer pressure in ways. Friendship is not only one way though, so you should always be a great friend to your friends just as much they are to you. I always help friends, even if it puts me out of my way to do so. I think that friends are some of my most important people in my life, as they help me (occasionally), and I help them (much more often). This value can affect my interactions with others (quite a lot), as friends I will talk openly with, and share. With people outside my friendship group I can be rather shy.





What behaviours does this person demonstrate to show that they are healthy?


What do they look like? Are they healthy? How do you know?



What message does this person promote? Why is it inspiring and healthy?




Why should young people look up to this person as a role model?




Thinking back to your House of Values activity, what values does this person demonstrate?


They try to educate people on the importance of nature, to protect and conserve.

A lot of David’s good attributes are behavioural, so his appearance is not very relative. At the age of ninety five, he is a little on the old side, but this does not stop him from teaching the world on television. He is most likely healthy as he has managed to stay alive so far, and managing to still run documentaries at his age.

His message (or my interpretation of what his message is) is to help us (as a species) to understand nature, and in doing so, motivate us to take action on preservation of nature.

As a role-model, David Attenborough is a great one for young people for the following reasons:

  1. He is an activist on protecting nature, and keeping the planet healthy for years to come.
  2. He helps people understand the majesty and benefits of nature.

Stewardship, learning, connection (I think)


They encourage(d) people to take action against the legal system for bad reasons, made bad decisions for people etc.

They do not specifically look unhealthy, they are mainly more behaviourally unhealthy. I do not know, I am going on what the media has said.

I believe that Donald believes he is doing the right thing, although not many people outside America agree. In general, he just makes bad decisions for people that end up in (usually) people getting hurt. As a leader, this is not a great trait.

No, as he represents bad motives as a leader already, so as a role model I would most likely believe that he would display bad morals etc. in front of young people, making him a ‘bad’ role model.

No. All the things I have stated here are from the media, internet etc. For all we know, Donald Trump is not even a real person. The media can be twisted, or completely changed from the actual events/incidents. Over time and space, the media can be changed from person to person until it does not even resemble something like the original story. This can be a big problem for people, believing fake news, and causing them to take action (sometimes) on faulty information. This could lead to catastrophes for the person in question, ranging from financial to mental stability. Overall, the media should not be believed unless multiple sources can back up the story, as this way there is less likelihood that someone made up the story.

What behaviours does this person demonstrate to show that they are unhealthy?


What do they look like? Do they look unhealthy? How do you know?


What message does this celebrity promote? Why is it unhealthy?



Do you think young people should look up to this person as a role model? Why or why not?


Is everything you hear, read or see in the media true? Discuss.

In conclusion, this is my Health Assessment from T1 of 2022, as an ePortfolio submission. I hope you all enjoyed reading it!


2021 Reflection Life skills

2021 Reflection Life skills

2021. A big year for all of us, with Covid restrictions coming and going. For me, 2021 was my first year of normal school in 4 years, so it took a while to get used to it. This post will cover some of the things I did in 2021 and ‘me reflecting on them’.

One of the first things about 2021 I remember is starting school with a lockdown. We did video calls over Microsoft Teams, and didn’t really get much work done. Aside from that, it was nice to meet my class in week 2. I met a few people who would end up being my friends, and, *cough*, didn’t form a cult based around watermelon. The first few weeks were quite nice, sitting out on the lawn at our own private table at lunch, making friendships during class. And then in week 4 was when I discovered the library.

The library has probably been one of the biggest things for me, as I love reading, but also *cough cough* you definitely not play video games in there during lunch/recess. So for the rest of the year, pretty much, that’s where I spend my breaks. In Term 2, I remember especially, I started a Minecraft SMP (The JAM SMP), and had about 8 players a day (biggest server milestone ever for me). JAM was good, until people started making their own spin-offs, namely the Yogurt SMP and (I’m pretty sure it was called this) the Peanut Butter SMP. By the end of Term 3, people had started to discover emulators and that was the start of a new page in my book. By Term 4, Me and one of my friends decided to race through a video game and see who could finish first, and it took us over 24 hours total (I won, of course). Then we decided to make and play a factions server for Minecraft.

Overall, this is a recount of the main things at school during 2021 that were not related to academics.

A goal I want to complete this year is:

Get 100% on a test.

Christmas Market Reflection

Christmas Market Reflection

This term in school, we were making a product to produce and sell at our All Saint’s Year 7 Christmas Market. This paragraph will cover some of the decisions we made before the market, and during the market.


Some of the decisions we made pre-market were the biggest ones, and possibly the worst ones as well. For example, group choice. We were told we could choose a group, but in the end I was in a group of four with Advait Nitin, Cooper O’Malley and Wade Lansley. This was a rather large setback, as it had taken us a whole week and a half to get together, but after all it worked out OK. For our actual product, we had multiple ideas, including gemstone soap and Christmas tree decorations, but we chose bath-bombs shaped like sticks of T.N.T. instead. This was a good product choice, we thought, because of it’s novelty, and because there was a limited amount of this product anywhere, there would be good supply & demand tactics by making this product.

Prototyping. Prototyping was one of our main issues, as the PVC pipe we had chosen was not wide enough for the bath-bombs to hold together after emerging from the tube. We spent much longer than we should have on this part of the process, so I think that we should have tried a larger tube much earlier on.

Product Pricing: We decided on $2.99 for our bath bombs, as that was still three times the cost per unit ($1.09), and we would have been using psychological marketing techniques. Advert: for our advert, we made multiple choices, but mainly we tried to market to boys between the ages of 10 and 14, as they would be our most likely customers.

During Market:

During the market we made many decisions to change our price and sell techniques, including:

We had to drop our price to $1.99, as we had competitors who were selling for less.

We had to make sure people came to our stall by (trying) to make it look festive and happy by waving our arms around and smiling. We also had to keep our heaviest bath bombs on the corners of the tablecloth, as the wind kept blowing it away

Our product

I think one of the most important things I learnt from this is to always be prepared for things not to work out how you think they will.

If I could change some things about how I did this project, this would be them:

First, I would try to get a good group from the start. Also, with the product idea, it would be preferable to have a good one (keeping in mind competitors, ‘affordableness’, demand for that product, etc.) by the first few weeks. Then, I would try to get prototyping done ASAP, as the faster that is done, the faster you can work out kinks in the production process. If we were allowed to choose stall location, I would put us as far away from competitors as possible, so that it seems like we are the only group selling bath bombs. Also, I would try to put as much festivity into the stall, because I think that this would help sales even more than the product itself. For instance: if there was a run-down restaurant and an extremely fancy restaurant, which one would you go to (even if the run down one serves better food)? You would most likely choose the good looking one, as it seems like a better place to eat. This is a variation of premium pricing, except in appearances. With packaging, (if our product needed packaging) I would make sure that we started on that as soon as prototyping is finished. Overall, these are the biggest changes I would make if I was to do the Christmas Market again.

This has been a reflection on the Year 7 Christmas Market Experience from my point of view!