Project Utopia

Project utopia was a task that we had to make a perfect society. We got this project from The Giver in term 2 then formed into a society.

UN Global Goal Accreditation: The UN Global Goals were a big part of this project we got accredited for goals, We received global goal ten (Reduced inequalities) global goal seven (Affordable and clean energy) and we worked towards global goal six accreditation (clean water and sanitation). I could have tried harder to get global goal six accreditation and others as we only had two, this would have made our society more like a utopia.

Sustainability: In Science, we had the task to build a sustainable house. I used some of the things I learned then I put them in our utopian society. I did well using some liveable topics as we got accreditation and we worked towards another. I think the greywater treatment system could have been better as I could have explained what are the benefits of it and how it helps us to keep clean and sanitized.

Public Speaking Skills: During English, we learned how to keep good posture while speaking. We learned how to use the power pose so that the audience will be more engaged while we are talking. Also, we learned how to maintain eye contact and to use an expressive voice. On the showcase night, I did this well, I maintained eye contact I kept my body open so that the audience felt engaged.

Constitution: The constitution was one of the most successful parts of our utopia, during our presentation, one of the visitors, who owns a successful business, said that the constitution is very formal and a great way to handle society. Also, several other visitors gave us ideas on how to manage and control society with respectful laws.

In conclusion Project, utopia was an educational task and I learned a lot. I learned a lot about sustainability and global goals. Reflecting back on the showcase night I kept good posture and answered questions that were asked with a formal response. Project utopia was beneficial and I learnt a lot from it.

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