1. Our research topic was travel which included a categorical and numerical question. Our questions were “How many international holidays have you been on in your life?” and “If you could go on a fully-funded holiday to any country, which country would it be?”. We found that a lot of the answers we got for our categorical question were incorrect as people didn’t answer the question with countries. The results for our numerical question intrigued us because we thought more people would be travelling more often but the data showed us otherwise. From the information, we compared it with subgroups like whether they are an indoor person or outdoor person and their gender.

2. To collect our data we used a survey that had 55 questions. Some people found that towards the end of the survey they began to answer the questions with less care and effort meaning the answers were less accurate. The sample size of our data was everyone who is studying Year 9 maths at the moment which is 142 people. I found that a lot of questions were expecting or assuming things. Some questions assumed that we own a subscription to a streaming service, a question also assumes that we have a favourite gaming console and there isn’t an option to say you don’t have a favourite. Some questions weren’t specific enough meaning the question was answered differently between the participants. The question about how many internationally trips have you been on some people answered as the number of places they’ve been to while others answered as the number of times they left the country. The questions could have been improved by adding “not sure” or “none” answers so people could answer accurately.

3. Excel Spreadsheets:


4. Our Graphs + 5. Information and Findings



6. Our research had many limitations such as how people answered the questions incorrectly and how lots of the graphs were not usable for the data we had. Also, we found that the question about siblings could have been more specific and told us how many siblings as some people might be the youngest but have one older sibling and an oldest might have three younger siblings. In the future, it would be nice if we could create our own questions to go in the survey so we could design our questions so they aren’t biased and they are more specific. A question that we would like to add is “How many intercountry holidays have you been on in your lives?” as this might help us to figure out if intercountry holidays are more common than international. Also, we would like to add a question about if covid affected your holidays’ plans as this would help add to our knowledge. This task helped us to learn more about Excel formulas, how to classify data using interquartile range and how to make graphs with categorical data. Overall this project taught us a lot about statistics and graphs, it made us think about what things meant and try to infer what the reason might have been.

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