InnovatED 2019 Marble run and bridge vlogs/reflections

Term 1 reflections:

Marble run vlog:

What did I learn: I learnt that I’m more creative than I thought and I am very good at leading a team.

How I found it: it was very fun to do the marble run and had fun thinking of ideas for the marble run and how it would move.

What powers did I use: I used lots of creativity, leadership, problem solving and collaboration and teamwork for this wonderful project.

Roller coaster vlog:

What did I learn: I learnt to take other people’s ideas and put them into your own ideas, without copying them exactly.

How did I find it: I found this project was very fun and enjoyable, especially as a team.

What powers did I use: I used past knowledge, team works and communication.

Bridge vlog 1:

What I learnt: I learnt how to roll up paper really tight and make a triangle-based pyramid base.

What powers did I use: I used teamwork, communication, knowledge and flexibility.

How did I find it: I found it fun and a bit tricky sometimes when rolling up the paper.

What problems did we come across: We had trouble sometimes when rolling up the paper and connecting the rolls to each other to make a 3D shape.



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