Year 9 Camp

On year 9 camp, we had selected roles that cycled throughout the days. They were:

  • Leaders – Lead groups
  • Hygiene organisers – Set up hand washing stations, ensure hydration
  • Foodies – Make food (except for dinner)
  • Camp crafters – Set up equipment

On year 9 camp, there were times I thought I showed great leadership skills.

On the first full day of camp, me and 3 friends were the leaders for the day. We went down into the gorges for a hike, through water, abseiling and climbing. Along the way, we led the group forward, stopping when people were behind, even when people wanted to rush. I think this was a time I showed leadership because I ensured everyone was accounted for.

When we arrived at the abseiling cliff, we climbed down, then had to decide whether we go to Placid Pools, a lovely swimming spot with a jumping rock, a 20-minute walk away, or we stay where we were, close to the exit with a swimming spot and a rock to prep lunch. We couldn’t decide, so I gathered everyone around to vote. We quickly voted to stay, have lunch, go for a swim then head back. I showed leadership by taking action and getting everyone to work together to get what we wanted.

After lunch, we climbed back up the wall and set off. The problem was that a friend of mine had twisted her ankle badly. She was very slow, and she needed a stick to walk. Everyone rushed ahead. The other leaders went to lead ahead, but I stayed with my friend and helped her when the hike got tough. I also ensured that the other leaders made the group go at a reasonable pace, and that they stop when me and my friend were too far behind. I think that this was the best leadership of all – leading by example. We walked back to camp, had dinner, and went to bed after an exhausting day.

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