Media Review

First off we planned what we were going to make our advertisement about, we decided that we were going to do an ad for ice cream. after that, we did filming practice. for two weeks we filmed the parts of our video on the second last day we edited our videos and wrote this description for our e-portfolios.

Our original idea was to make a thirst trap but we figured that was hard so we decided to make it so a schoolgirl came home and got an F on her report card, she was to be sad and disappointed, when her sister sees the report card she decides to make icecream for her.

Three major problems we encountered along the way were that one of our actors was not here for a quarter of our filming time and another problem was transporting the icecream to school so we could film it so I went and bought it and then put it in a freezer bag and borrowed the canteens freezer to keep it frozen until the end of the day. our final problem was filming the height we struggled to get air shots and some of our videos were blurry.

next time I film a similar video I would film in a spot with better lighting and not use green ice cream so we can use a green screen. I would also allow myself more time to film and probably do an easier transported item for an ad.

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