Year 8 SS OLP 2022-Nanga Bush Camp Dwellingup

Year 8 Camp for me was a life changing experience. I found that I really bonded with my housemates. It made feel like they really support me and I really support them. Especially the Year 8 cohort. I also enjoyed getting to know the staff, Mr Gatti and the newly appointed Head Of Murdoch Mr Stevens. One of the most challenging activities for the house was the rights of passage. We had to make our way across wooden beams and then make it to the other side. Although this sounds straightforward it wasn’t. We had to take many tries to figure out the best way of placing the boards. It took us about an hour to do this. For me I tried to help and offer suggestion but a couple people knew what they were doing in the end so I followed their lead. When we found out the best way to do things we were really supportive of each other even if we made a mistake like falling off a wooden plank or moving to the wrong spot we wouldn’t let it get us down. Now that is house spirit! That is what I love about Murdoch House. The spirit that we are all their for each other and that we will always try our best!

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