Global Goals Entry

During our time in Global goals this semester, we were tasked looking at the United Nations sustainable global goals. The sustainable global goals are goals created by the United Nations to fix issues in this planet. There are 17 global goals, they range from climate change and life below water, to political justice and gender equity. As part of our task, Holly, Shaurya and I all chose goal number 14, life below water. We were tasked with solving our global goal in our local area. We decided that it would be a good idea to choose the canning river, since it’s local and makes up a big part of Perth. After doing some research, we found a lot of issues in the canning river that would probably stop people from swimming in their. The canning river has lots of mosquito issues, algae, excess salts and chemicals and motor vehicle fuels. We found a solution to all these problems with a single species of tree called the weeping paper bark tree, this tree has a natural chemical in it that repels mosquitos and absorbs chemicals in water, the other good thing about it is that is natural to our local area. After analysing the issue, we found that we wouldn’t have enough time to get to planting the trees. We then looked for an even more local issue. We found that at our local swale at the school kept drying up during summer, so we looked for solutions to the issues. Our teacher, Ms. Donnelly, got us in contact with Wendy Corrwick, who is an expert of plants in our local area. She directed us away from the swale and to bull creek across from the school. Bull creek has been having a lot of issues with the black berry bushes in the area. A majority of the black berry bushes have been cleaned out but it left lots of empty dead space. Wendy said that we should host a tree planting day down at the bull creek, so that’s what we did. We ended up hosting a successful tree day and planted about 250 plants over the span of 2 hours.