2021 was my first year at All Saints, year 7. I had moved to All Saints because my old primary school did not have a high school. On the first day, there were lots of other year 7’s in my class who had just moved here from another school too or had been here at All Saints since primary school. I walked into the classroom and sat at the desk with my name tag on it. Everyone else took their seats too, the class was buzzing with excitement.
Before I got to school, I was a mixture of excitement, curiosity and nervousness. While walking into the classroom the nerves slowly started to fade away and I was more curious to learn about what was happening and was going to happen. After the first period, I was filled with excitement and couldn’t wait for what was next to happen. I was/am very happy that I moved to All Saints because I felt that I would really enjoy it here.
Some things that I felt went well were being able to talk to people, I was able to make lots of friends and learn some things about them. I was also good at being organised for classes and getting to them on time. Somethings that I wasn’t so good at was working my computer (I am not a very tech-savvy person).
During year 7, I learnt lots about myself that I didn’t know. One thing that I learned was how much I actually liked learning about people’s emotions and being social, talking to people, and learning about them. From this, I learned that I should start/continue talking to people more. I also learnt how much time you really had to put in, and dedicate to your studies to get good grades 2021 has opened up new things for me that I’ll be taking into 2022.
My goal going into 2022, is to study more. I want to be able to keep on top of my studies for each subject by creating a schedule that will help me. I will do 2 hours of studying each night, alternating between subjects every night. Studying every study for the rest of the term will then hopefully show in all my tests and assignments. This is my goal for 2022, term 1.