Innovation and Leadership Sem 1 Reflection 2023

Innovation and Leadership is a class that I took part in over semester one of 2023. In the class we were asked to examine the global goals and to choose one or more to base our project on. We could either work in groups or individuals depending on what our chosen goals had in common, I went with Astrid and we decided to do global goals 14 (life below water), and 15 (life on land). For the project we decided to do a school clean-up and raise awareness about plastic pollution and use.

What we did

For the clean-up, we did the Junior School in a double period on Wednesday after lunch, which we assumed would be the best time as there would be heaps of rubbish. However we did not have the time to do the Senior School in a double period so we did it on Friday in period 4, where we did not get as much rubbish due to the fact that it was only after recess rather than lunch.

As of raising awareness, we made several poster that went up on the tvs around the school and in the canteen.

These we the posters that we placed around the canteen as we had noticed a large increase in the amount of rubbish that had been from there and the amount that had been left out, rather than being put in the bins.

Data Collection

Here is the data from the Senior School cleanup:

  • Texta x2
  • Packet x13
  • Yogurt cup
  • Canteen rubbish x11
  • Wrapper
  • Tissue x3
  • Paper x6
  • Plastic x17
  • Bottle x2
  • Aluminium

Our collected rubbish from junior school got chucked out before we could count and sort through it but made the rough estimates of:

  • 50% plastic
    • 80% from the canteen
    • 20% from out of school stuff (lunch, coffee cups, etc.)
  • 70% from the canteen (plus plastic)
    • 60% plastic (bottles, straws, jelly cups, etc.)
    • 40% other (wooden cutlery, cardboard boxes, etc.)
  • 10% things brought from home (packets, wrappers, etc.)