Clean water and sanitisation:
Three ways in which Humans have a negative impact on the water cycle.
The way humans pollute the ocean and other water on our Earth means that water is not 100% clean. Increasing of using too much water and reducing the Earth’s water. Changes in bodies of water and diverting water permanently or temporarily for construction purposes can affect the natural habitat of the water.

What is meant with ‘Greywater recycling’?:
Uses plumbing in your home to recycle old water for new uses. The water goes from one appliance to another until it’s cleaned and reused. Then the water has a cycle where you can use it again. Wastewater that is generated in households or buildings from streams without bad contamination.

How would you use Greywater recycling in designing a more sustainable world/city in your Project Utopia?
Greywater recycling reduces pollution in household and building systems so water can stay clean and healthy for you to use. In Project Utopia this would cause less water to be wasted and for it to stay clean and sanitised so we can have the same water as we used before but still have the same cleanliness. It is generally safer to handle, easier to treat and reuse for toilet flushing or crop spraying. To sum this up the greywater system would help stop pollution, keep you clean and healthy and there would waste of water on our Earth.
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