The Future of Fremantle

As a class we started off in Term 2 week 1 by looking at the subject of livability. The meaning of livability is measured by the number of different factors building the quality of a persons living. A person views on what a livable place is can vairy on their age. Maybe if a person is a young adult between 20 – 30, they might want to live in an area like a city that has lots of job offers and fun places to go out. Unlike an 80 year old who might want to live in an rural area like a farm or a little town with good Health care, shops near by, doctors and probably safety.
There are two types of factors that can be measured in livability. Subjective factors and Objective factors. subjective factor are things that are emotional, personal, spiritual and cultural, these are not easily measured. This would be someone likes or dislike about an area. Or wanting to live where family was or with family. Also people might have a culture or a tradition so they might want to live on certain land or be in a culture involved community. Objective factors are climate, infrastructure, environment quality, safety and stability and access to health care and education. These factors are easier to measure and that’s what can form a livable place.
Now the class moved on to the planning of Project Utopia. We looked at what we are planning and started to plan.

We had to transform the Fremantle port to a livable area. We started of in groups creating vision boards and then presenting them on Grandparents day. Our group included Indigenous and Fremantle culture, green space, housing, golf buggies and we looked at the idea of sky egg. Sky eggs are a form of transport that is the shape of an egg, its electric and holds four- six people. (there would be multiple sky eggs)
Now we did the vision board presentations. This was a lot of fun showing our ideas and getting feedback. It was a really helpful day.
The new ideas gave us some help with the final plan. We got into new groups and started on ideas for the main presentation. The new groups made a look alike utopia version on co-space, this is a digital way of creating thing on a single block. Once that was done we started to create our spaces. This took about 4 week and the it was time for the final presentation. In the day we got feedback from parents and viewers that 7X did a really good job at working as a class. I was really happy with what came out of all this time and effort. Here is our final section presentation:

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