In the media project we started off with looking at some advertisements on the internet. We focused on how an add works and what persuasive techniques we can use in our add. There were many ways like camera angles setting and facial expressions.

We got into our groups. I was with Jaxon, Ali, Diyon and Nithin. We were going to do an add like Mc Donald’s but Jaxon came up with the idea of pyjamas for bananas. They were a plastic sleeve for bananas that looked like pyjamas. It was a good idea so we got to creating. Once we were done we started to make our e-portfolios, this is it now!
We also went through some difficulties when producing our ad. We had trouble agreeing on a product to advertise because we all had different ideas. In the process of creating I wasn’t actually there, so I would not know if there where any setbacks there but other than that I’m pretty sure we worked well and collaboratively together and as a group.
Next time I would definitely first change that I could be there to film. But I think looking at our final video, I would change our camera angles on faces, like when the dad got sad and another thing would be the setting a more enthusiastic about saying our lines.
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