Samantha Shenton

Student Portfolio

Persevere to succeed

When I was in year 5, I went ice skating for the first time. The whole time I had a death grip on the barrier and only let go to get a hold of one of the frames to help you skate. After that first difficult time, I went to another skating session because it seemed like a fun place to go with my friends once I got the hang of it. After I finally got confident enough to skate around the rink without holding on to the side or falling over too much, I signed up for ice skating lessons. At first I found it really hard and I remember thinking that some of the moves I can easily do now were really hard. I kept on persevering though and continued to go to my lessons and got some of the moves that I found hard. Since that first term in year 5, I’ve done ice skating lessons ever since and now I’m up to doing moves that include simple jumps and spins. Because I kept on persevering with ice skating, at the start of last year I got offered to try-out for the synchronised ice skating team at the rink and because it seemed fun and something different I tried out and made it into the entry level team. This was also quite hard since we were learning new things and we had to keep up with the rest of the team. We managed to do a few competitions together and even though our first one wasn’t very good we improved a lot by the last one. Currently I am still in the development team for synchronised ice skating but I also do half an hour with the other teams which allows me to challenge myself and prepare me for next year and hopefully getting me into one of the higher teams. What I learnt from doing this is that if I keep on persevering doing something I will get it eventually.

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