Shi Ying Liang

Welcome to my ePortfolio

“Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterwards.” ―Vernon Sanders Law

  • Food Friendzy Service Opportunity
    What is Food Friendzy? Food Friendzy is a service program and volunteering opportunity where a group of parents and students come to the college to cook for the homeless. This food is collected by Salvation Army from the food room and is frozen, and given out to the homeless. The sessions last around 3-4 hours…Continue Reading Food Friendzy Service Opportunity
  • Science Engineering Challenge
    What was the project? We had to create a building out of spaghetti and blue-tack that could withstand a 10 second earthquake. In groups of 2-3, we had to prototype, design and build a structure: We researched design features used in real life by engineers to make buildings earthquake resistant so we could mimic those…Continue Reading Science Engineering Challenge
  • English Reflection 2022
    Involvement Overall, I think my involvement in English is standard; I’m neither extremely involved nor too withdrawn. In the past term with poetry, I’ve involved myself with contributing information that I know or thoughts or reading out examples that I feel confident with. For reading out passages, I don’t normally like reading out because then…Continue Reading English Reflection 2022
  • Year 8 Project X Art: Piñatas
    The Goal Our goal was to create and decorate mythical animal-styled piñatas to present at the Illuminate Festival. The Illuminate Festival represented our movement to the vertical tutor groups and out of being part of the Transition program. In partners, we designed, made, and paraded our finished product on the stage and throughout the different…Continue Reading Year 8 Project X Art: Piñatas
  • Health: Binge Drinking Expo
    The binge drinking expo was a health project where we researched and learnt about different aspects of binge drinking and underage drinking and then got into group where we created ways to display our learning. Some people did trivia ‘beer’ pong or made board games. Our group, Anna, Muskan, Penelope, and I made a Jenga…Continue Reading Health: Binge Drinking Expo
  • InnovatED $20 Boss
    In InnovatED I chose to do $20 Boss. In $20 Boss, we form groups based on what products we want to make, and in the end we run a stall in a market in the school. In my group was our CEO Zaina, Monique, and I. Our products were beaded jewellery which were aimed for…Continue Reading InnovatED $20 Boss