Science Engineering Challenge

What was the project? We had to create a building out of spaghetti and blue-tack that could withstand a 10 second earthquake. In groups of 2-3, we had to prototype, design and build a structure: We researched design features used in real life by engineers to make buildings earthquake resistant so we could mimic those…Continue Reading Science Engineering Challenge

Year 8 Project X Art: Piñatas

The Goal Our goal was to create and decorate mythical animal-styled piñatas to present at the Illuminate Festival. The Illuminate Festival represented our movement to the vertical tutor groups and out of being part of the Transition program. In partners, we designed, made, and paraded our finished product on the stage and throughout the different…Continue Reading Year 8 Project X Art: Piñatas

2021 Christmas Market

Our Christmas Market project provides an opportunity to year 7s to create a small business in a group or pair and sell products that you make to the rest of the Senior and Junior School. This task includes the learning objectives of Humanities, English, and InnovatEd which helps with understanding the economic concepts of businesses…Continue Reading 2021 Christmas Market

Re-Imagining Fremantle Port 2021

2021 Project Utopia mainly revolved around the question of, “How might we redesign Fremantle Port into a community where all people thrive?”. For this project, we were tasked with the challenge of choosing an area of Fremantle Port where we can redevelop and remodel the piece of land to suit the liveability factors, the United…Continue Reading Re-Imagining Fremantle Port 2021