In Year 7 we had Christmas Market. The best thing that came from this is that everyone was wrong. We had made a total profit of $52 selling dioramas of nature. Considering everyone thought we were going to make a total profit of -$30 thats a $72 difference we did well. It started with us during innovated doing a survey about what christmas means to people. It meant Love, Snow, Presents and Food to me. This survey was the empathise stage of our journey to becoming entrepreneurs. We asked our piers and than over the weekend asked our family. This allowed us to get a good idea of what would make a good product. We than went through the define stage which is where we started talking about the Xmas Market. After this we started think of ideas for products: Here are all our ideas; Pot Plant, Bauble picture frames and Our real product Miniature Dioramas. We went for miniture dioramas because we were 1. running out of time and 2. had no direct competition also 3. we wanted so badly to prove everyone wrong (please refer to the start of this paragraph). With all these in play what could go wrong.

Unfortunately everything went wrong. We had no money left by the end of the first weekend. This led to us not being to make any products until the second week of getting our money. That Monday we were up 1 diorama. This meant that if we sold them at $3-$5 we would break even with 5 more. Any more would make us a profit. This meant 6 or up would be great. Luckily by the day of the Market we had 15. That right 15 dioramas that would make us a nice grand total profit of $52. This meant all that was left was to design the stall. A plain white sheet with 2 leaf made of paper. What made us successful is the time we put into the products we had made a profit within the first 15 minutes of the Market. We got a tiny bit desperate and had a sale of the products as an End of Lunch sale where everything was for $3. I was a little bit sad at our profit but in the end it was just another learning experience.