In November 2022, I was employed by the Melville council as part of a committee made up of citizens who are passionate about fixing climate change on a local level. This committee informs the council about what the local community wants to be done about climate change, and sustainability in general. The committee has about twenty members ranging in age from 12 to over 60, meeting every six weeks. Different meetings have different agendas and the committee has been lucky enough to meet with Council members trying to develop ongoing and sustainable practices. Some of the different environmental issues we have discussed and debated have included: transport, green spaces, carbon emissions and community awareness.
As one of the youngest members of the committee, I feel a particular responsibility in this position to represent young people in a positive light, and to ensure that the youth of the local community have a chance to be heard.

As one of the youngest members of the committee, I feel a particular responsibility in this position to represent young people in a positive light, and to ensure that the youth of the local community have a chance to be heard.